Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Update

Yesterday marked the one month point until Ghostbusters: TVG is released in North America. Some new media has surfaced and the game is looking even more incredible.

Teamxbox has a hands-on preview which includes two new videos of Slimer and Stay Puft. Also if you click on the screenshots there are some awesome new screens. Here's the link:

A new trailer has been released that focuses on the multiplayer and it has some great footage, here's a link:

Finally another new trailer, similar to the Alyssa Milano trailer, has come out but with Annie Potts aka Janine Melnitz. Here's a link:

I'll keep you up to date on Ghostbusters news as we approach release and I'll let you know as soon as the demo is available on Xbox live and PSN 2-3 weeks from now. I'll be posting a review of Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway soon, I finally got a chance to play through the whole thing .

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