Even more media has surfaced for the new Ghostbusters game as we rapidly approach release. Gamespot has posted an updated preview of the game that can be read but they also have a video that shows some new footage. The preview covers the first three levels and has some spoilers so if you want to stay totally spoiler free keep away but if not its real cool. Here's the link: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/ghostbusters08/video/6210009/ghostbusters-the-video-game-video-preview?hd=1
Gamespot also has a new galley with some great new screenshots here's the link:http://uk.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/ghostbusters08/images/6209948/1/?tag=thumbs_below;thumb;1
Gamespot also has three new gameplay videos that can be accessed here:http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/ghostbusters08/news.html?mode=all
Youtube has a video with some great new footage and a look at the load screen among other things, the two guys talking are speaking in some other language so this video is really just for the gameplay footage. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz8FiKu8DSU
And finally the first review of the game has come in from Eurogamer, the review was apparently released too early and has been taken down but the bottom line is a 9/10 not bad at all. Keep checking back I'll keep this site up to date as much as possible.
*OXM's July issue will have a two page review of the GB game written by Ghosthead Dan Amrich. Subrscribers should have received this copy in their mailbox today but for everyone else it should be available next week. The bottom line is an 8/10 not too shabby*
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