I popped in the Modern Warfare 2 disk, pressed “new game,” and so began the journey of the mysterious “Oscar Mike.” I decided to clump together the brief training and the first mission in the town as one level. I got through the training with no Oscar surprisingly, though I could swear I heard it said in another play through but whatever.
The real action began once Shepherd and the rangers began the assault on the town. After taking out some hostiles on the far side of the bridge, Sgt Foley instructed me to move out with an Oscar Mike, that’s one. Then as I approached the stairs a random ranger shouted out “Battalion is Oscar Mike!” that’s two. Then as I hit the staircase Foley again told me we were Oscar Mike, that’s three.
I jumped into the gunner seat of the humvee and waited for the airstrike, the airstrike came and shortly afterwards the same random ranger had the same line about the battalion, that’s four. Then Corporal Dunn added to the pot with a standard “we’re Oscar Mike” line, that’s five.
We proceeded through the town, fighting enemies, getting blown out of the humvee, getting shot up, and wrecking a school before finally reaching Shepherd’s chopper, all without a cameo by Mr. Mike. But as I began to follow Shepherd, the random ranger was back to deliver the battalion one again, that’s six.
So our current Oscar Mike tracker is at 6, most came in one brief part of the level so Oscar isn’t spacing himself out much. Check back tomorrow for Roach and Soap’s first entry into the Oscar Mike saga.
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