For this list I’ve decided to count down my favorite supporting characters in the Mass Effect series. Over the course of two games we have seen many supporting characters but the number is still relatively small so I’ll count down my top 5. Here we go
5. Urdnot Wrex
Wrex is a Krogan which, for those of you who aren’t initiated, means he’s a badass. The Krogan people are a war like race and it shows in Wrex. You first meet him on your way to confront Fist in the Citadel; you want information, he’s been hired to kill Fist. Wrex is always the first to jump into a fight and his redundant nervous system makes him a powerful ally. As long as you have some pull with him you can save him from the Virmire mission and see him as clan leader in Mass Effect 2 and, apparently, in Mass Effect 3.
4. Ashley Williams

Ash is one of the most developed characters in the first Mass Effect game because of her close relationship with Shephard. She comes from a military background but still can’t get too far because of her ancestor who was the first human to surrender to an alien force. She speaks about her family and is open about her beliefs and other things that make her feel like a real person. Her feelings and thoughts seem in line with what the average person would think, she is straight forward, blunt at times, but always knows when to call BS and what to do about it. She seems like she will be a crucial part of Mass Effect 3 and I’m glad because her cameo in Mass Effect 2 made me disappointed. I can’t wait to see how her character has changed from the first game to the third game.
Mordin is one of the only characters that has surprised me with his abilities. Not only is the Salarian a brilliant scientist, but he is also a very skilled combatant. His line “thought I was harmless did you?” is pure gold and he is almost always in my squad. His character is well developed as well, he has cold and calculating morals (see: revamping Krogan genophage) but also has a softer side (see: singing Gilbert and Sullivan parody) It is apparent, especially in his loyalty quest, that he has some mixed feelings about the things that he has done and this fleshes out his character very well. I am hoping to see a lot more of him in Mass Effect 3 where, from the demos shown, he seems to be trying to help the Krogan.
2. Liara T’soni

Liara underwent massive changes from the first game to the second. In the first game we saw her as a naïve archeologist studying the Protheans. She was helpful to the cause with her biotics and her knowledge of the Protheans but she wasn’t a particularly interesting character. Yes, her species was interesting, but she wasn’t, at least not until Mass Effect 2. Liara became a powerful information dealer rivaling, and eventually taking over the place of, the Shadow Broker. She became more cold and imposing as evidenced by the first thing we hear her say in Mass Effect 2. She repeats a line that her mother, Matriarch Benezia, said in the first game about humans facing an Asari commando unit. She seemed more ruthless but reverted as soon as she saw Shephard. Hopefully Shephard’s influence on her will keep her honest and stop her from becoming a ruthless killer, which seemed like where she was headed. Mass Effect 3 should hold some great stuff for Liara and I can’t wait to see how it all turns out.
1. Garrus Vakarian
Garrus went through a lot of changes in character from Mass Effect 1 to the sequel, and these changes served his character development very well. Garrus started out Mass Effect 1 as a fed-up C-Sec officer who wanted a chance to take down Saren and do it without any red tape. He seemed pretty capable right off the bat (he took down the thug with an impressive headshot in the clinic) but Shephard still seemed to be his militant superior. When we see him in Mass Effect 2 he is much more grizzled and jaded. He has been fighting the bad guys in any way, including sniping them on Omega, and it has clearly taken a toll. However, his skills are much more honed and he seems to be a more formidable opponent. The injuries he sustains to his face only serve to make him look, on the outside, like his character on the inside. He is a broken-hearted, jaded, and bitter man who seems to be spiraling downhill from the righteous path. He killed Sidonis and though it seemed just for what he did, it still seemed cold and unlike Garrus, even Shephard noticed and made a comment. I can’t wait to see where Garrus goes next, will he have an epiphany and turn back to the stalwart hero or stay the jaded anti-hero of the second game? Only time will tell.
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